Friday, December 17, 2010

There are certain rights of passage during childhood. They start with things as simple as moving out of a booster seat and going to the restroom on your own. There are things I never really understood until I reached certain milestones with my children. Sure, if I dig deep I can remember some of my own childhood. Nevertheless, it is definitely different when you are sitting on the parental side of things.

I have commented to friends that stages, special rituals and even not so pleasant habits are here one day and then without warning things change. My son went through what felt like an eternity of not sleeping. This was not a stage during infancy. It was a major part of his elementary school years. I wished for that silver bullet, that magic poison, something anything. Then one night, I waited for him to come wake me and nothing, all that worrying, searching for a solution, begging and pleading and now in an instant it was gone. Soon after rituals of getting a hug and a kiss good night vanished as well. I was not prepared, I had no time to think about it… these piece parts of his childhood were disappearing.

Part of the wonderment of childhood is believing in the magic, whatever the magic is to you. As my first born approaches his teens, he is questioning that magic. He does not say outright that he does not believe. It does not seem like he will ruin these things for his younger sister. For me, I tear up a bit when I think that this will be one more thing that I knew would happen one day but just could not comprehend how I would feel.

In the midst of this holiday season, I think about what believing in the magic truly means in our family. It is more than whether or not the big guy in red is real. It is the spirit of giving. It is taking the time to reflect a bit about whether you have been naughty or nice. It is the special rituals, which I hope no matter how old they get we will all still enjoy.

I do not think I will ever be prepared for my children to reach adulthood. Whether I am prepared or not they will still get there.

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